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The following table describes the glossary terms that may appear in this document:




A means by which a user verifies their identity by use of a username and password combination when entering a website area that contains sensitive patient information or data.

Blood glucose (BG)

Glucose that is present in the blood, commonly measured by a BG meter.

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)

A monitoring tool that uses a glucose sensor placed below the skin to continuously measure the amount of glucose in the interstitial fluid.


A medical device for determining the approximate concentration of glucose in the blood. A small drop of blood is placed on a disposable test strip, which the meter reads and uses to calculate the BG level.

Sensor glucose (SG)

Glucose that is present in the interstitial fluid and is measured by a glucose sensor.


Function on the pump that stops all insulin delivery. Any bolus deliveries, prime deliveries, cannula and tubing fills are canceled. The basal delivery is paused until restarted.


The process of transferring diabetes device data to the system server.


The registered person.